Julia montauk
(tma rp twitter)


-account run by Jay, 27, she/her
--I've been here for a year (joined Feb 2019)
-every tweet sent from this acct is 100% in-character, and in-character hostility does not represent what I (the real human being behind the keyboard) feel or think about anything or anybody
-due to Julia being canonically a Hunter and capable of being quite nasty, I try to touch base OOC when necessary to make sure the lines between fiction and human interaction are clear
-if you ever need to discuss ANYTHING at all with me, please reach out via DM as it's never my intent to make anybody in real life uncomfortable in this fictional space
-over a year of playing Julia, I've run this account as though it's her public feed; as such, the character moderates what she does and does not say, and interacts with other tweets under the assumption that other people can read what she writes
-due to that existing formatting, I do not post OOC tweets on main, and wil not engage in tweet threads that are formatted in that way
-HOWEVER, longer scenes involving OOC narration can be played out through full text via DM; I'm always happy to mess around and tell stories together, so please just contact me if you'd like to do that!
-OOC DMs will be formatted like: ((TEXT GOES HERE))


-as this account was started a year ago, my Julia Montauk diverged sharply from canon months before season four even began (and is definitely nowhere near canon-compliant now)
-as such, she returned to England by herself about a year ago, and has developed relationships with other characters over the course of their interactions
-as season four progressed, this group of characters engaged with the canonical storyline while also having their own dramas; when season four ended, they were plunged together into a post-apocalyptic world that's been overrun by Horrors
-this version of Julia has worked intensely to lessen the control that the Hunt has over her; she is proud of this every bit as much as she struggles with it
-while I play her as bisexual, she is in a long-term, committed relationship with Gerry Keay (@gerardkeay), and has consistently done her best to make amends for how she's wronged him in the past
-this has been established and developed over months of in-character interactions and extensive RP scenes
-beside Gerry, a few other characters have been very important in our established Universe--most notably, Martin (@MartinBsays), who was her flatmate for a year and remains among her most trusted friends
-a list of characters confirmed to be playing in our apocalypse timeline can be found here
-we're happy to have other people join us in this timeline but please touch base with one of us first, as we've established some pretty intricate canon over time and would like to get you up to speed before you dive in!

( Made with Carrd )